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Delivery Truck Crashes Near Your Home

Delivery Truck Crashes Near Your Home

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People often feel safest in their own neighborhood, making delivery truck crashes there shocking and traumatic. Those injured in these crashes should get help from a lawyer who will assist them in filing a claim against the at-fault parties.

When most people think of a truck crash, they picture a semi-truck on the interstate colliding with other vehicles. However, truck crashes can also be caused by delivery trucks, not on the highway but right in your neighborhood. The neighborhood where you feel safe to drive, walk, recreate, and send your kids out to play. If you or someone you love was injured by a delivery truck discussing your injuries with an experienced Huntsville truck accident lawyer is in your best interest. 

What Causes Delivery Truck Crashes

Accidents involving delivery trucks can happen for the same reasons that big rigs get into accidents, such as driving under the influence, distracted driving, or not obeying traffic laws. There are also some specific reasons that delivery trucks get into accidents in neighborhoods.

  1. Sudden stops: Delivery truck drivers make abrupt stops without warning when they are looking for an address or making a delivery. When this happens, the delivery truck driver may be liable for a rear-end collision, instead of the driver in the rear.
  2. Sudden left turn: Drivers who are in a rush might make a sudden left turn when passing their destination instead of going around the block or safely turning around. Actions such as these can lead to devastating injuries for motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists.
  3. Backing up: Similar to semi-trucks, delivery trucks have a large blind spot. When a driver backs up after passing a house where they needed to stop, he could back into another motorist, or an adult or child riding a bike or walking in their neighborhood.
  4. Parking brake: Delivery drivers can also cause accidents by failing to set the parking brake before getting out and delivering a package. These accidents are incredibly preventable, and no one is in the truck when they occur, making them especially devastating.
  5. Improperly secured loads: Drivers can lose control of their truck if the items to be delivered are not secured properly, or the truck is overloaded. Goods that fall off the truck create an additional hazard for others sharing the road.

You don’t have to know what caused your truck accident to recover compensation for your damages. Your Huntsville truck accident attorney will investigate how the accident happened and who is liable for your injuries. 

Determining Liability 

Delivery truck accident claims can be complicated because the driver of the vehicle is necessarily the only one who is liable. Sometimes delivery truck drivers aren’t even directly employed by the company they deliver for but instead work as contractors or under a third party. This is often a deliberate attempt to avoid responsibility on the part of the company who needs goods delivered. 

If they do not employ the driver, they might not be liable. Instead, it is the driver or the third-party employer who is liable. The delivery company will tell you to file a claim with your own insurance company or pursue the driver. A seasoned Huntsville truck accident attorney can determine who is liable and demand that they pay the compensation you deserve for the accident that was not your fault but theirs.

Hire a Huntsville Truck Accident Attorney Today

Don’t let delivery or third-party companies skirt their liability if you have been injured in an accident. Hire an attorney to work for you and hold them accountable for your damages. To book your free consultation with a knowledgeable Huntsville truck accident lawyer, call Cloud, Ryan & Rouse at 256-801-1000, or use our convenient online contact form.

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