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Back to School Injuries are Common

Back to School Injuries are Common

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Both fun and learning can be severely disrupted by a back to school injury. If you and your child learned this the hard way due to a playground or traffic accident, a personal injury lawyer can help. 

It’s that time of year again. Backpacks and school supplies line the aisles of the stores. School buses emerge from their hibernation. Even if it will look different than past years, injuries are still bound to happen as children head back to school. If your child suffers a back to school injury, do not hesitate to reach out to a Huntsville personal injury lawyer. Discussing the circumstances of their injury and the injuries they sustained could be beneficial in getting the compensation you deserve. 

The Most Common Back to School Injuries in Alabama

While injury-causing accidents can happen nearly anywhere on the way to and from or even at school, there are several common types to be aware of.

Auto and Pedestrian Accidents

As children head back into their learning environments, there will be an increase in traffic congestion, as well as more children on sidewalks and in crosswalks. In fact, many school districts have decreased the number of students that can be on a bus at one time thanks to COVID-19. With fewer students allowed to take the school bus, it will inevitably increase car and foot traffic in and around both schools and neighborhoods. Drivers need to be even more diligent in watching for other drivers and pedestrians alike.

Bus Stop Accidents

Even though there may be fewer children riding the bus than in previous years, they are still at risk of being injured by other vehicles or even bicycles or scooters while entering or exiting the bus. Students should be instructed to stay at least 10 feet away from both sides of the bus and not walk behind it. They should also wait calmly for the bus to arrive and be aware of surrounding traffic conditions. 

Playground Equipment Accidents

Emergency rooms across the country treat more than 200,000 children under the age of 14 for playground-related injuries each year. Children ages five to nine account for the highest rate of visits among all age groups. Dangerous clothing items such as those with drawstrings should be avoided, children should only be allowed on age-appropriate equipment, and most of all, schools and daycare facilities need to ensure that the equipment is safe and in good working order. 

No matter how a back to school accident occurs, talk to a skilled Huntsville personal injury lawyer to learn what your next steps should be. 

Was Your Child Injured? A Compassionate Huntsville Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

Despite warnings, announcements, and the best of intentions, accidents can and do still happen as a result of someone else’s negligence. At Cloud, Ryan & Rouse, we want you and your loved ones to return to school safely this year. We are committed to helping injured victims and their families, whether they were hurt in a motor vehicle accident or on a playground.

Schedule your private legal consultation with an experienced Huntsville personal injury attorney by calling 256-801-1000 or completing our online contact form.

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